Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

This Year’s Last!? Blog

2013-12-31 16:09:12


Since Yesterday
On the blog I’ve tried doing a look back on 2013 with pictures
and I thought, it’s really been another full year huh…ドキドキ



I’m glad I got to put up lotso f pictures I hadn’t put up before tooーキラキラ




Really soon the first show for the Countdown Live is starting!!!!!!




When the Countdown Live starts,
I might not be able to write any more blogs,



and the second show ends in middle of the night, 3:00 so,



I’ll update before it starts[みんな:01][みんな:02]






Thank you so much for this entire year as wellアップベル


All of you Even Now Michishige’s and


All of you From Now Michishige’s


It’s cause you’re here[みんな:03]リボン


That this year was another year I got to have fun with[みんな:04][みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]




No for real!!!!


This year, more than ever before, I came in closer to everyone… that’s what I think[みんな:11]



From everyone,
your ドキドキloveドキドキ
it was a year where I really felt it once again[みんな:12]





There days, among all the things that happened,


I felt with all my body
the love from all of you,
taking in the power from that,
this year was another year I got to have fun withドキドキ


I have nothing but gratitude for youしょぼん


Thank you so very muchドキドキ



Next year as well,
with the continuation of Even Now Michishige[みんな:08]


Please continue to support meドキドキ



Ah, of course恋の矢


To those who became fans after this,


A warm welcome to those From Now Michishige people too[みんな:09][みんな:10]



All year this year, everyone who’s seeing my blog,
thank you so very muchキラキラ



Please continue to support me in next year as well[みんな:13]



With that!! I’m off to the Countdown Live音譜





(Ameblo Original URL)

[SiteNews]We’re Alive 2013 Winter!

*Coughs from all the virtual cobwebs*

Hello anyone who still knows we exist. No doubt you were wondering what happened and why I didn’t get back sooner. Angry? I know I am ><; So it turns out my work can apparently make me work beyond when the semester supposedly ends. As a result, I had to do more work even beyond when I thought I'd be free and so Christmas was sleeping when not working. In fact! I'm still being forced to work! But I couldn't keep giving that 100% knowing that when I do they just give me more to do in compensation, and I needed to make things right, here, in the place I want to be. So I thought about how I could best do that, and the best I can do right now is this. REVIVAL 2014! We're going to get back in motion for the new years and not look back! It's unfortunate for there to be such a big gap in the archives but unless I'm suddenly finding myself in an excess of time, we have to keep looking forward. In addition we're still going to look for ways to make this better, including but not limited to, a greater system for automation, recruiting those interested in joining me, and most of all, being able to enjoy doing this again. The realistic dream right now is to find a way to keep this running smoothly. The near impossible (and totally unrealistic) dream is to get Sayu attention =P. But hey it's gonna be 2014, let's party right? Thank you all for your support, especially if you've been waiting for my return. Let's bring us back stronger than ever for 2014! Invis

[Self-Promotion] Invis Wrote Something

Happy [Belated] Thanksgiving Everyone!

I realize that you are all here for translations, and I promised I’d get back to them soon, but I’m here to be completely transparent about what’s happened.

So shortly after I wrote the last entry about my plans for the handling the end of semester and coming back to translation, I found out that C-ute was coming to town. So I crushed out some extra time to go and check out the scene.

Well, sitting on a bus without internet or a computer can leave you with lots of time to think and so, I ended up wondering if people thought the same things I did. As a result I took a little bit of time while I was enjoying Thanksgiving dinner to write up my thoughts into a giant brain dump.

So if you want to check that out head over to
and check out the write up. You can also look to see some of the things I know about the FC tours that happen.

That said, I hope the thanksgiving holiday was good for everyone, I’m gonna be back to school work from here on so I can get back to translating for you guys as soon as I can!


[Site News] The Troubles Keep Coming!

Hey Everyone,

It’s a sad update but one that I think is necessary since I’ve left you guys hanging in limbo for so long.

It is unfortunate that I have to say that right now my work is being quite a bit of a pain. And while I’ve been able to manage being both a student, a teacher’s assistant (both in the teaching and grading capacity), and a translator for you guys, right now it feels like the fates are not in my favor. Weekends, and even holidays are being ruled by the need to play catch up to expectations from everyone.

So let me give you guys a projection because I feel it would be unfair to leave you hanging in the air.

For the rest of this semester, I’m unfortunately putting translations on hold.

Now at the same time I realize what happened last time I did that. You guys were forced to wait for the catch up or abandonment of the old entries.

SO, when I come back I’m going to finish the translations I have already partly done before this big problem, drop them back in time so I can have a big hole for the “sometime possible fill in” and then just jump to the present after that. This way you’ll be able to celebrate Christmas with Sayu and Gaki if possible.

It is my sincerest apologies that it’s come to this, and while words may be cheap it is the only thing I can give to express how troublesome the situation has become in my real life, and how much I want to be able to come back to this.

I promise I will return, translating is still fun for me, and perhaps one day it won’t just be me giving you guys what you want. But until that day, or until the day this site becomes irrelevant, we just gotta keep on keeping on.

Usachan Peace for everyone,

[Site News] Quick Update

Apologies, Just giving everyone an update since I’ve been forcefully taken away.

It’s “Midterms” here, meaning that since I am a Teaching Assistant for my “Real World” job, and I’m a student, it means I’m in a never ending hell fueled by rage and learning wrapped in stress and fire from which the very little soothing I get from H!P stuff helps but hurts.

That said, I’ll be back soon ^^;

Thank you for your patience!
Give your best Usachan Peace people, we’ll keep chugging along.