Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

3 big wishes

Good morning ♪


Today is my 2nd day over seas


How are you guys all doing?


I’m good…good! Good… kinda


I’m still hung up on not being able to use my own cell phone
so I’m just ok I guess


It’s tough when you can’t blog the way you’ve gotten use to doing so
on your own cell phone, the way you like it (cry)


It seems like, after coming this far,
that my blog has become an essential part of me!


Now that may sound a bit exaggerated,
but that’s how I feel


Even up til now… (I say that yet I only started 2 weeks ago)
I still feel that I love blogging


But in my current state of being unable to with my own phone
I have discovered something!


For me, blogging is something I cannot do without!


It is vital for me to be connected to you guys ~(>_<)


I mean like, as humans we can’t go without food and sleep right?


For me, it’s like that + blogging ↑


And I can’t satisfy my blogging craving like this (><)


But, I am still very grateful my manager
let me borrow his phone so I can update (≧▼≦)


Seems like I may end up spending a lot of time with
my manager’s phone while I’m overseas (lol)


Well! I have a fun day of work ahead of me today!
I hope you guys do too ☆彡

Juice ♪

Well then ☆
If you guys were going over seas, what would you want to do?


I’d want to drink juice (●^ー^●)
I really like green tea
And normally I pretty much only drink green tea
So when I go over seas, I feel like drinking juice ↑
So yeah, I drank some guava juice ☆(*^□^*)↑


It was delicious, although not as good as green tea (^O^)/


Out of all the things I’ve drank in my life
I haven’t come across anything that’s better than green tea so far!


Green tea is the best \(^O^)/
Big round of applause for green tea (≧▼≦)
Nothing can match green tea
That’s how much I support it


But if…
you were to ask, which is more essential to you
green tea or your cell phone?


I’d immediately respond cell phone Σ( ̄□ ̄;)


Ahhh it’s so frustrating not being able to blog on my own cell (;_;)


Although I can’t use my own cell phone (〇>_<) I'll be sure not to flake out on blog updates (*^_ ’)♪


I’ll be back to check in again soon ☆彡

Wheeeeeeeeeen ( __;)

I still haven’t recovered from this… (;_;)


But I am very much enjoying being over seas ♪
The scenery and sunset are sooo touching!
It’s so fun! (≧▼≦)
Although, I’ll be careful not to have too much fun


But because I can’t use my cellphone
I have no idea what’s going on in Japan right now
and that makes me worried 。(p>∧ 

Like a “awwwww man…” feeling


Anyone with a usable cell phone feel like shipping it to me via motorcycle courier? ~(><)

I'm here!

I’m heeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!


And guess what


My cellphone


Is out of service range (;_;)


I can’t use it (ノд<。)゜


Even though the shop person said I would be able to ( ̄□ ̄;)!!


I wonder what went wrong (><)


Well actually, now my entire plan is messed up (*_*)


I was thinking of blogging so much while I was over seas too ↓


Why (?_?)


I mean if you take this blog away, I got nothing left!!!


Ah, maybe that’s too strong


I mean, there won’t be anything left


Except my cuteness (≧▼≦)


Even though the cellphone signals are coming from waaay overseas
It seems like the ones that let me annoy you
are coming through just fine (=^▽^=)ノ


I was seriously bummed out when I found out I couldn’t use my cell (cry)


Times like these you just gotta keep your head up and move forward ↑


I say that, but I still can’t even face this situation right now (;_;)


In the meanwhile, my manager will let me use his cell to blog while we’re overseas ↑


I’m not familiar with using his phone
So I hope to use it a lot and update often (o^o^o)


Please continue to support me! Aha ッ☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


Here is me with an airplane ♪


I took this pic in a festive mood right before leaving o(`▽´)o↑♪↑♪


At the airport
I had some grilled pike and nattou rice ↑
A very Japanese feeling meal (^_^)v


I also drank some miso soup ☆
Ah that came out in the western way of saying it (≧∇≦)


But yeah
My English is pretty much limited to “Miso soup”,
but I’ll try as hard as I can!


As a Japanese person over seas,
I’ll try to make do with my Japanese (^∀^)ノ


Shiii yuuu agein


Ahh too late, that’s kinda border line ( ̄○ ̄;)


So once again
I’m off!!!!