Aika blog "11days"

Heya all~ ^3^)/☆
Look!! Look!!

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This is from when we were filming the PV of Kimagure Princess,
our single that’s coming out on October 28th. (^o^)v☆☆
The weather was so amazing! It was the best ♪♪
Cuz on rainy days, it’s easy to start feeling down about things (~_~;)
Things just feel better on sunny days don’tcha think? \(^^)/☆
I took a ton of pictures during our PV shoot, so I’ll be uploading those next week ☆☆
For the people that came to our Music Japan recording on the 5th,
they got a good look at our Kimagure Princess outfit (^^)v
What did you think???!!! Hehehe ☆
That makes me kinda nervous (^^)
We’ll be wearing those costumes for the single release events too
so please please come check it out (^_^)
Also please also come because your smiles always heal us (*^□^*)!!!!!!

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Aika blog "10days"

Since the first show, the concert tour has been one big hit after another,
but now we’re taking a little break (^o^)/
You guys are all probably tired too,
thanks for all the energy you’ve put into your legs (*^^*)
And again, thank you very much ♪

Just the other day, I went on a date with Junjun,
something we haven’t done in a while (^з)-☆
We went to a Korean place to have lunch
Junjun ordered spicy stuff again and she pretty much cleaned off the plate herself (^^ゞ
It was the most delicious thing ever! (≧▽≦*)/
And then… Junjun treated me to the meal (>_<)☆ Ahh I'm so embarrassed (~_~;)汗)) *汗 = sweat Thanks (^∀^)>☆☆

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After that we went shopping, and Junjun bought a lot of stuff ♪♪
After going shopping with her,
I’ve realized that our tastes in clothes are quite different (^^)(LOL)
She pretty much only bought track pants (^^*)
After a lot of shopping we went to a yogurt place to grab some frozen ice cream and donuts..
after that we went back to shopping again!!!!
The next time I go shopping ♪ I’m gonna go to a picture club
It was such a fun filled day ~(^o^)/☆★
The weather was also great the moment I stepped outside and continued when we were shopping
It was just what I needed (*^3^)

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Coming up this weekend is another concert, I’m pretty pumped up about it (^^)v

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You probably already know right?!!
Kusumi-san will also be participating in the bus tour this November (^^)v
Looks like it’s gonna be fun doesn’t it? (^з)-☆
As for Kusumi-san, this will be her last bus tour and FC tour…
so I hope it’ll be a bus tour thats super fun and forever embedded into everyone’s minds ~~☆☆

Aika blog "9days"

Finally, Morning Musume’s concert tour has started ~\(^o^)/☆
Even now I still forget how nerve-wrecking the opening day is (>_<)!!!! But... it looked like Kamei-san and Junjun were even more nervous than I was, so I was like "Everything will be alright!!" (^^) and kinda hid my nervousness (^^ゞ (lol) Also, on the first day there was the shocking announcement about Kusumi-san's graduation, Crazy wasn't it... (~_~;) But Kusumi-san had a very Kusumi-ish reply to all of this... at the concert hall she let out a very positive "I'm gonna keep trying my hardest!!" which gave us all a little relief ☆ I want to really treasure the time I have left to spend with Kusumi-san... as well as during this concert tour (>▽<*)

Well, we still have until December to go and I hope to keep in mind these fresh feelings from opening day all the way through
For those people who are planning to come see us, please look forward to it (^з^)-☆♪♪

This picture was taken downtown in front of the
Morning Musume ad truck for this fall tour
If you guys see this truck around, please take pics of it (^∇^)

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Well then let’s see… just the other day I was walking around Odaiba in the Tokyo Big Sight area ☆★
When I was there, I saw a lot of airplanes ♪♪
It was windy too, it felt pretty good (^^)/
Sometimes walking long distances can be good too!!!!!!

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For next week’s concert, I’ll be pretty active again ~~ (*^^*)☆

Aika blog "8Days"

How are you guys? (^o^)/☆

Just the other day we recorded Tokyo Friend Park ☆
It was my first Tokyo Friend Park!!!!!!! It was fun (^^)v♪
Tanaka-san really put a lot of effort into it (*^^*)☆☆
Thank you very much ♪♪ All of the members really appreciate it (*^o^)/ (^-^*)★

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Well, the tour is about to start (>_<)!!!! I'm pretty nervous (i_i)€(^_^) Well, although right now I've calmed down a little about it ☆ At the handshake session, everyone kept asking "What's the concert gonna be like?" Unfortunately I could only tell them "It's a secret (^^)" (^_^;) With this fall concert.. there are a couple songs we're gonna sing that people haven't heard yet... ☆ Be sure to listen (^∇^)/ The costumes are also very cute so pay attention to that!!!! Morning Musume Concert Tour 2009 Fall ~Nine Smiles~ Even though its a concert, I hope people will be healed by it ♪♪ Please look forward to it~~ (^∀^)☆

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Aika's Blog "7Days"

Good job everyone (^-^)☆
Starting again this morning, today was another full day of dancing!!!!!!
Man I wonder how many T-shirts I went through… ( ̄▽ ̄;) LOL
But in a little while, the other girls, dance senpais, and staff members will all be trying their hardest ☆☆
The Morning Musume concerts this time are going to be really wild (゜-゜)!!!!!
Please look forward to it

Last weekend was the HaroPuro Meeting and release event for our single ☆☆
Every time.. every time… my heart was beating so fast
when we were doing I WISH (T-T)(T-T)
During the release event for our single,
these 5 here shared the same dressing room!!!!
We all got along great while eating ice cream (^3^)/ ☆

Aika's blog

As for me, every time I see this youthful picture, it really rejuvenates me (∨ε∨*)☆
Right now, students are supposed to enjoy youth, and I just hope they can enjoy it to the fullest ♪
Everyone’s different though… (^-^)
The dark hand next to me is a friend ♪♪
Lake Biwa is in the background (^^)v☆☆

Aika's blog

Aika's blog

Aika's blog

Aika blog "6Days"

Aika blog

Doooon! (^□^*)/
I’m indulging myself in this huge melon ☆(^^)v
My sister ate half of it!!!!!
I’m licking every bite ♪
Since I could only eat about half, I gave the other half to my mom (^-^)☆

Aika blog

Oh ya, just the other day I went out to eat some delicious sukiyaki (*☆▽☆*)!!!!
My cousin just came to Tokyo and he treated me to it ♪ It was soooo good!! ☆
(^^) It was my first time having sukiyaki that good (*^^*) Thank you cousin! \(^ε^)☆
Whenever I eat delicious meat, my mood just naturally goes up (∨▽∨*)
Everyone, please eat some delicious meat too so your mood goes up too m(__)m♪♪ lol

Aika blog

Also, on the 30th, I went on 24hr TV for the 3rd time!!!!
I took this pic during our free time, a 2shot with Tanaka-san (^_^)v(^^)v
The both of us are doing a yoga pose ☆
I’m always having a blast with Tanaka-san \(^o^)/♪
Hahaha I hope the month of September will be full of fun just like this ♪♪♪

Aika's blog "5Days"


Everyone at the handshake session was like “I read your Pastel Color Days” ☆
and they said so much, it made me so happy ♪
I’m so happy you guys are waiting so eagerly for my updates (^_-)☆

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This is a pic from the other day, on the 15th, when Takahashi-san and I went to Shiga ☆★
We talked a lot about my Shiga dialect (*^^*)
I was happy that Takahashi-san asked questions about it ッッ(>▽<) Here is a 2-shot of us at that time ☆☆

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We’re eating takoyaki!!!!!! It’s topped with walleye pollack roe sauce, its soo good (^_^)☆

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Also, here is DJ Natsu-san who helped us out on the 15th at the Ootsu PARCO “HAPPY MANIA” public live recording ♪
It’d be nice if I could do another event or radio thing at Shiga again ♪
Did you guys have fun?????
I had the most fun ever ッッ(^_^)v

“Hows your health?!” was what a lot of worried fans said, well I’m completely fine (^^)v
Thank you very much ☆★
I’m very much full of energy ッッ(^^)d
Everyone, please be sure to keep your health up too ♪♪

Aika’s blog “4Days”

Are you having fun this summer vacation??
I think some of you are sticking to your work…f(^ー^;
For me, I get the summer feeling just by soaking up the sunshine☆★
But lately, it has been raining continuously (sweat)
Going outside, it still feels like it’s easy to get tanned, so unpleasant ( ̄^ ̄)
Well, I’m quite fond of rainy days you know…(^^;)
But, on cloudy days, I heard the UV rays can still get through, so please be careful!!!!

The LAST show for the Hello! Project summer concert was on the 9th (T-T)
It was the best concert ever♪♪
Thank you very much☆Hello! Project concerts allow us to meet with fans of different groups, it was so much fun!!!!!! But when I thought I saw my color’s T-shirt!!, it turns out those were Mai’s fans…(LOL) Too bad, but Mai is so cute (*^^*)♪
It can’t be helped I guess☆☆
I’ll do my best not to lose (^_^)v
Since we both share the same color (*^o^)/\(^-^*)
(Sorry the costume and accessories made it so confusing(・・;))

Recently, there was a big fireworks festival in Shiga♪
I couldn’t go myself, so my friends sent me pictures of it (^^)
Feels like summer☆

Even thought more hot days are coming, I hope you will feel more relieved after reading this Pastel Color Days (^∀^)>

Aika's blog "3Days"

Right now I’m eating potato chips (^^)/★

Aika's blog

Everyone be sure to keep up your energy to fight against heat exaustion with helpful items too~!! You can’t lighten up yet\(^^)/

Anyway, last weekend was the concert ☆★
I’m really good friends with C-ute’s Hagiwara Mai (^^)/\(^^)
It’s like we’re always together ☆★
We’re really close friends (^з^)-☆
Here’s a 2shot with Mai ♪♪

Aika's blog

Well I’ll see you again this weekend \(^^)/

Aika's blog "2Days"


Before this Pastel Color Days blog started, I was told “everyone is looking forward to it!!!!” I was so happy to hear that (*^^*)♪

I hope to keep updating this p(^▽^)q
Please continue to support me from here on out m(__)m☆

So anyways, the drawings and pics from this blog are shot, drawn, and written by me. Everything is completely original o(^-^o)(o^-^)o
It was a lot of fun to make them☆☆

We’re right in the middle of the H!P summer concert tour.. during that time I went to a pet shop to check out puppies!!!! And this is one of the cute puppies I found ~(゜▽゜;)☆

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She’s just too cute ーーーー★☆ I thought I was gonna end up taking her home on the spot!!!!!!!!!(^^) It was very refreshing♪♪

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Also here is a shot of the Nanchatte Renai outfit with Kusumi-san and Junko~(^.^)(^-’)(>▽<) Taking pics of myself is kinda embarrassing.. so I had them take it for me f(^ー^;♪ This is the kind of fun we have every day!!!!(^ー^) Until next time(^▽^*)/